Reader Liam Rees saw some of the filming at Box Cemetery, Llanelli for Series 7 yesterday. He has kindly provided some pics and a detailed report.
Warning: more spoilers follow! Read ahead at your own risk.
In addition to Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, there was one Weeping Angel and River (Alex Kingston) who seemed to be wearing the same clothes as she did during her first appearance in Series 5.

The TARDIS was painted to look like stone. [Another reader reported that it was on set on fire and the Doctor puts it out.]

It’s possible they were filming Amy’s departure… She ran out from the TARDIS and stopped dead in front of the Weeping Angel and called the Doctor. He and River ran out in a hurry – River stopping behind – and the Doctor slowly approached the Angel. He stopped and tried pulling Amy away, but she was ignoring him and slowly walking towards the Angel. The Doctor was screaming, “No, no don’t do this, please!”

River tried pulling the Doctor away, but he carried on. River said, “Come on, there’s nothing we can do.” The Doctor shouted, “NO!” And then went up to Amy (who was still walking towards the Angel). He then entered the TARDIS in anger and sadness, followed by River. Then they cut and just repeated the scene over again.

Arthur Darvill was on also on set, but didn’t participate much. I’m assuming the scene was set to be soon after New York because they had the green screen in front of the TARDIS to begin with and they were all wearing the same clothes! [How this fits in with the other spoiler is hard to say]
The security told me it Catherine Tate was on set, but I knew she wouldn’t return. He MUST have meant Karen!
Another reader Ifan, sent in this report:
I was in the cemetery during filming and the TARDIS was shown with smoke coming out, while Amy read a book by Melody Malone. Also, they filmed River cleaning the TARDIS. There was another scene with Amy about to touch an Angel. They also had a giant fan at the scene.