Inspired by the revival of Doctor Who, Doctor Who TV was created early June 2005. Back then it was a rather simple site running on Yahoo!’s now-defunct GeoCities, and the site had a different name – Doctor Who 2k.
In October 2005, Doctor Who 2k became Doctor Who TV and the domain www.doctorwhotv.co.uk was registered. The site moved away from Geocities to its own hosting platform and relaunched with a brand-new look and logo.
The site continued to provide news and features, with minor content alterations for the next four years. That was until September 2009, when we had a complete overhaul and redesign in preparation for the end of David Tennnant’s era as the Doctor, and the birth of a new one.
Chris McIntyre
Assistant Editor
Jamie Patrick
Clint Hassell
Gustaff Behr
All original content is copyright © Doctor Who TV 2005-2024.
Doctor Who is © BBC.
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