New Who Finale Face-Off: Your Top 8
Last week Doctor Who TV asked you to vote for your favourite New Who finale from the past eight series and today it’s time to reveal the results. So without further ado…
8. Series 6
With 2.57% of the overall vote.
7. Series 2
With 6.93% of the overall vote.
6. Series 3
With 8.97% of the overall vote.
5. Series 7
With 9.45% of the overall vote.
4. Series 8
With 13.39% of the overall vote.
3. Series 1
With 13.99% of the overall vote.
2. Series 4
With 17.91% of the overall vote.
1. Series 5
An topping the poll with 26.79% of the overall vote was Moffat’s first finale, The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang.