Doctor Who: Weird and Wonderful
Weird and Wonderful is our look at some of the other Doctor Who bits and bobs around the web that caught our attention over the last week or so. This week: Awesome art; Inspector Spacetime; Power of the Daleks; The Doctor Who Fan Orchestra; and become the 11th Doctor.
Awesome Art
“Whovian” by Zerobriant, available on T-shirt today from here.
Inspector Spacetime Returns
Doctor Who parody, Inspector Spacetime, featured again on American comedy series, Community.
Power of the Daleks
A couple of teaser trailers for Dalek fan film, Power of the Daleks.
The Doctor Who Fan Orchestra will next perform Rose’s Theme and Doomsday and you can be a part of it by following the instructions on at the end of video.
If you missed their last performance of This Is Gallifrey & Vale Decem, be sure to check out the following video.
11th Doctor T-Shirt
Now you can become the 11th Doctor for a fraction of the cost in this costume T-shirt. Available at the end of November.