50th Anniversary Trafalgar Filming (Day 8)
Filming on the 50th anniversary continued today, this time at Trafalgar Square.
As usual, spoilerphobes may want to avoid (mild spoilers.)
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Filming on the 50th anniversary continued today, this time at Trafalgar Square.
As usual, spoilerphobes may want to avoid (mild spoilers.)
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Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman shot an action scene involving the Doctor clinging on to the TARDIS as it is lifted by a crane.
Jemma Redgrave (Kate Stewart) was also on location with UNIT troops. Guest star Ingrid Oliver appears to be playing a UNIT scientist called Osgood who is a fan of the Doctor. She is wearing Tom Baker’s scarf in one of the scenes.
It looks like UNIT are responsible for picking the TARDIS up. Afterwards the Doctor tells Kate: “Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, a word of advice. As I’m sure your father would have told you, I don’t like being picked up!”
Kate then hands over an old brown envelope with the royal seal on. “I’m acting on instructions direct from the throne. Sealed orders from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the First.”
[Thanks to Ryan]