Your Verdict on A Town Called Mercy
It’s time to take a look at how you rated A Town Called Mercy in the polls last week.
First of all, the overall scores chart. As you can see, the episode was better received than Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, with 45.67% giving full marks. It wasn’t enough to knock Asylum of the Daleks off the spot though.
So the overall ranking of episodes so far is:
- Asylum of the Daleks
- A Town Called Mercy
- Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Next, the results of the mid-week poll, this time asking you to vote for your favourite Toby Whithouse story so far. It was a close fight but School Reunion just took it in the end with 34% of the votes. The Vampires of Venice was the lowest ranked with only 6% of the votes.
- School Reunion – 34%
- The God Complex – 33%
- A Town Called Mercy – 27%
- The Vampires of Venice – 6%