Xmas Filming: Doctor Who?
Last night, filming continued in Bristol on this year’s Doctor Who Christmas special.
This post may contain spoilers.
On location again were Matt Smith, Jenna-Louise Coleman and Catrin Stewart (Jenny).

In one of the scenes being filmed, Clara is searching for the Doctor. She looks up and shouts “Doctor!” repeatedly.

Jenny turns up and Clara asks: “I’m looking for the Doctor. Do you know him?” Jenny replies: “Doctor? Doctor Who?”
Clara shouts for him again and Jenny says: “Stop shouting! We don’t want to attract attention!”
In another scene, the Doctor is walking through the park on his own. He looks around and makes his way to a structure with a ladder. He pulls down a ladder and climbs up.

Clara is spying on the Doctor from behind a tree though and then follows him. She jumps to try and pull down the ladder but falls over! Eventually she makes it up.

It this scene, it appears Clara is invisible. Clara waves to some people but they can’t see her at all…
[Thanks to Stewart, Darren and Ryan for the pics and details.]