Torchwood: The Game
Torchwood could soon follow in Doctor Who’s footsteps and have its own series of computer games.
Gaming trade mag MCV is reporting that the BBC are now looking into developing games based on Top Gear, Lonely Planet, Strictly Come Dancing (!), In The Night Garden and, yes, Torchwood.
Doctor Who has already seen three PC games released this year, with Wii and DS games set for October.
While Doctor Who has a fairly limited gaming scope, Torchwood may actually translate better to a video game. The thought of Jack or Gwen running around with a gun certainly seems more suited to a game world.
BBC Worldwide’s Robert Nashak said,“People doing TV shows are really inspired by the fact we are taking gaming seriously.”
Nashak also told MCV that we may see retail versions of Doctor Who: The Adventure Games released in the future.