Torchwood: Miracle Day Press Launch
BBC Entertainment News have posted video interviews from yesterday’s UK press launch of Torchwood: Miracle Day. Russell T Davies, John Barrowman (Jack) , Eve Myles (Gwen) and Bill Pullman (Oswald) all give their thoughts on the new run. See it below.
Elsewhere, Den of Geek reviewed the first episode and concluded, “The opening of Miracle Day sees Torchwood in confident form. There are big themes developing here, in an episode that’s very much setting the scene for what’s to come. And Davies gets his mix right. It feels slightly different from Torchwood of old, but then that’s what it should be. The goalposts have changed, the production has escalated, and the ambition of the show’s storytelling has increased with it.”
There’s still no word on the UK air date, but BBC news reporter Lizo Mzimba tweeted, “No UK transmission date announced. But Russell T Davies told me in interview before, would def air in US before here.”