The Doctors Revisited: Matt Smith
BBC America have released the trailer for the eleventh and final instalment of Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited.
The 25-minute special celebrates Matt Smith’s Doctor, with The Impossible Astronaut two-parter to follow. It airs Sunday 24 November at 8pm ET/PT on BBC America. The UK broadcast is earlier for once on Saturday 16 November at 2pm on Watch.
See the trailer below:
More Details:
Watch as MATT SMITH, JENNA COLEMAN (companion Clara Oswald), lead writer and executive producer STEVEN MOFFAT & more examine the human side of this Doctor and take a look at how all the years he’s lived have affected him. Then, it’s the Eleventh Doctor story “The Impossible Astronaut” and “Day of the Moon,” in which a strange summons reunites the Doctor, Amy (KAREN GILLAN), Rory (ARTHUR DARVILL) and River (ALEX KINGSTON) but they’re soon plunged into an adventure where the team must fight an alien invasion dating back to the beginnings of human civilization. The two episodes were the first to be filmed in the U.S.