Torchwood: Rendition Your Verdict
Tonight at 9pm on BBC1 it’s the UK premiere of Dead of Night. Plus, results of last week’s poll with your verdict on the second episode.
Tonight at 9pm on BBC1 it’s the UK premiere of Dead of Night. Plus, results of last week’s poll with your verdict on the second episode.
Clint Hassell reviews Rendition, the second episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day.
Rate and discuss the second episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day.
Episode 2 tonight at 9pm on BBC1. Plus your verdict on the Torchwood: Miracle Day series opener.
(Updated) Trailer and clips for Rendition, the second episode of Miracle Day.
(Updated) Spoiler-lite teasers for the second episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day.
Pics from episode 2 of Torchwood: Miracle Day.
The 3-minute trailer shown at the end of Torchwood Miracle Day.