Series 7 Filming: Look Who’s Back

Doctor Who filming has been continuing in Cardiff today and 2 more returning characters have been spotted.
This post may contain spoilers.
As reported the other day, they are currently shooting episode 8 written by Mark Gatiss (rumoured title, The Crimson Horror).
Matt Smith, Jenna-Louise Coleman, Rachael Stirling were all on set once again.
Joining them are two more returning characters. First up is Neve McIntosh reprising her role as Madame Vastra (From A Good Man Goes To War).

And here she is again dressed in a black veil.
And now for the most strange part – have you ever wondered what a Sontaran would look like dressed in a suit? Wonder no more..
Dan Starkey is reprising his role as Strax (again from A Good Man Goes To War). He’s alive and well here though.
[Thanks to Ryan Farrell]