Rory Kinnear Offered 12th Doctor?
According to today’s Telegraph, Rory Kinnear has been offered the part of 12th Doctor.
They claim:
He has been offered the part and we are waiting to hear if he will accept,” says my man in the Tardis. “He is the perfect choice.”
The 35-year-old alumnus of St Paul’s School, George Osborne’s alma mater, is the son of Roy Kinnear, the celebrated actor.
He played the MI6 officer Bill Tanner in Skyfall and Quantum of Solace, the James Bond films, and won acclaim for his stage performances in productions of Othello, Mary Stuart and Hamlet.
Yesterday, in response to rumours that 12 would be announced this weekend, Steven Moffat reportedly told Doctor Who documentary director Ed Stradling: “I haven’t a clue who it is, we’ve barely started.”
Whether there is any truth to all this remains to be seen…