Is John Hurt playing the “Dark Doctor”?
Hurt tells the Guardian: “I had no idea that Doctor Who had got so huge; I just thought, ‘Brilliant, I’ll be a Doctor!’ I was suddenly – what do they call it? You start ‘trending’. This is all new to me!”
Asked about the earlier reports of him playing the “dark Doctor” Hurt remains tight-lipped, neither confirming nor denying.
Hurt says: “Of course you have to remember that the Doctors are all one person, so I’m not outside of that.”
He adds: “I can’t talk about it, but I will say I was really impressed when I did it. Both the previous Doctors – Matt Smith and David Tennant – boy, are they good at it. Whoa-wee! They are so quick, and there’s a huge amount of learning and no time to learn it in. All that fake scientific nonsense. Terribly difficult to learn.”