Hell Bent Trailer Breakdown
Back under the scorching Gallifreyan sun we see both ‘The President’ and ‘The General’ preparing a firing squad….
Their target? Our favourite renegade Time Lord. It goes without saying I don’t think these are the type of fireworks Ohila had predicted would mark the Doctor’s return home earlier in the trailer. In fact now that I mention it there are some distinct similarities between both this scene and my own reception when I arrive back home after a night of travelling “the long way round.” Can you really blame the Doctor for his hostility against soldiers? “On my command….” orders the President.
It’s unclear whether this scene takes place before or after the firing squad allegedly attacks the Doctor; but what is clear is that whatever the role of the ships in the sky – their presence has ruined a perfectly organised and compact execution.
Here we see the Doctor in what appears to be the interior of the First Doctor’s TARDIS, once again reunited with his one true love…. the roundels! (Gotcha there Whofaldi shippers!)
See here, the Doctor, mirroring the face many fans are making as the trailer continues. But wait… who is that with him, short brown hair and a light blue jumper… it couldn’t be?
It is! Clara Oswald in the flesh? reaching for the Doctor’s hand. Watch here dearest children, as the fandom explodes in a chaotic mess of emotion and mourning. HOW LONG CAN THEY PLAY WITH US LIKE THIS! This scene is the embodiment of a whole new type of cruelty – no doubt my own personal Confession-Dial-Castle would be filled with snippets of Doctor/Clara scenes… and no, I would not survive.
We are graced with yet another gobsmacking visual of the citadel – this time with an extended glance at its accompanying cities. “The Hybrid will stand within the ruins of Gallifrey, and destroy a billion hearts to heal his own” narrates the General.
Continuing into the more climactic part of the trailers, we are shown at an extended look at the High Council, the President holding Rassilon’s staff as mentioned earlier.
We then turn to our biggest hint yet that the finale involves various locations – Given that it seems incredibly unlikely Time Lords use earthly vehicles to wander their way around the red planet.
Now to a shot that initially seems quite difficult to place. Almost appearing as a 3D image of the Doctor reaching out of the screen, one wouldn’t be alone in striking parallels to a certain scene for Series 4’s “The Fires of Pompeii” featuring the Tenth Doctor.
Speaking of the Tenth Doctor, surely it can’t be? What we have for certain here is the shell of a Time Lord outfit, which seems fairly damaged. In the cases is a hologram that may or may not resemble David Tennant himself – we’re still a bit undecided (Mark: “It’s David Tennant you thick spud!” – Connor: “In what universe?!” – Whose side are you on? #TeamSpud) Notice the hologram to be screaming, as I’m sure all of the fangirls will too if it does turn out to be our Davey T <3.
There is quite a lot going on here for such a brief snapshot. There is the obvious location of the barn’s interior – A spot for key events in the Doctor’s life undoubtedly. Particularly interesting is the framing of the shot, with the Doctor’s elevated position giving an almost divine appearance. As for the woman herself, I can’t really make out any identifying features from behind and her clothes don’t seem to match anyone else we have seen so far – however there do remain certain… maternal pieces of imagery.
We then cut to a close up of the Doctor from the same scene in the barn. There’s a notable amount of strain asserting that whatever is happening is having a profound emotional impact on him. Perhaps the woman he’s talking to is in fact the same from The End of Time?
**Capaldi Looking for his inevitable BAFTA**
Could the attack eyebrows be making a long awaited reappearance?
I have to hand it to them, I’m totally stumped by this one. This appears to be the Doctor’s hand reaching towards some Gallifreyan symbols – Chamber of Secrets anyone?
On the balcony of a tower the Doctor stands looking out over the Gallifreyan landscape, accompanied by the General and an Arcadian soldier.
General: A Time Lord’s time as president rises and falls like the sun. One day, Theta-Sigma, the sun will set on his time here, and will rise with you as the new king.
Doctor: And this will all be mine?
General: Everything.
Doctor: Everything the light touches…. What about that shadowy place?
General: That’s the Facebook comment sections…. If you value your sanity you must never go there, Doctor.
“Isn’t this going a little far” asks the General. “I’ve barely started” replies Capaldi, referring to his titular role as the Doctor… please.
We see the General whipped backwards by the pure force of Capaldi’s talent and ability. I know dem feels, Mr. Bones…. I know dem feels.
Two words: Cinematic Masterpieces.
We then transition to what looks to be an infirmary, in which resides an Arcadian soldier and a number of brightly dressed medical men. However it’s not the setting that causes the most intrigue in this clip, but rather the soldier’s dialogue: “Team to Sector 52, extraction chamber seven. Regeneration in progress.” Who could be regenerating? The General? The President? Clara? Ashildr? Dare I even suggest the unthinkable… The Doctor?
We then suspiciously move to yet another beautifully directed shot by Talalay, a white glow encapsulating the interior of the TARDIS, casting up beautiful memories of the Second Doctor adventure – “The Mind Robber”. Could this be the moment 3D Capaldi leans out of the white abyss as discussed earlier?
Am I the key of fiction and heartache
And the pain is of no consequence
When I am hell bent
My walls are closin’ in
Controlling me, controlling me
Is losing me, you’re losing
Control of me, control of me
You’re losing
Am I awake the morning star
That brings me here since everything in me
Between Pluto and God, all is hell bent
My walls are closin’ in, I feel the claim
Said, naked, broken my world closing
And I can’t find myself or my way out
Controlling me, controlling me
Controlling me, you’re losing me
Said, oh, controlling me
Hell bent, my walls are closin’ in
And there we have it! The first peek at what looks to be a totally game changing series events for Doctor Who history. The Doctor has returned to Gallifrey, and an impossible choice is looming. “Hell Bent” premieres Saturday, 5th of December on BBC1.