(A train carriage at night. A police officer called Yasmin and a man named Ryan turn in surprise as the Doctor heads into the next compartment, leaving them with passengers.)
(Torches shining, they follow her into the compartment.)
YASMIN: Hold on there, please, madam. I need you to do as I say.
(The Doctor finally stops and looks back at them.)
YASMIN: This could be a potential crime scene!
DOCTOR: (frowning) Why are you calling me “madam”?
YASMIN: …because you’re a woman?
DOCTOR: (surprised) Am I? Does it suit me?
DOCTOR: Oh yeah! I remember… (shakes head) Sorry. Half an hour ago I was a white-haired Scotsman.
(She turns and heads off down the train. The others follow.)
DOCTOR: When’s the next train due?
RYAN: This is the last one back.
DOCTOR: But the doors are locked. How did you both get in?
YASMIN: The driver’s window were smashed in.
(They move into the next compartment.)
DOCTOR: What’s your name?
YASMIN: PC Khan, Hallamshire Police.
DOCTOR: Name, not title!
YASMIN: Yasmin Khan. Yas to my friends. Can I have your name please?
DOCTOR: When I can remember it.
YASMIN: You don’t know your own name?
DOCTOR: (rolls eyes) Of course I know it! Just can’t remember it.
(She stops.)
DOCTOR: It’s right there on the tip of my…
(She opens her mouth, puts her finger on her tongue and turns to face Yasmin and Ryan.)
DOCTOR: What’th thatth?
RYAN: …tongue?
DOCTOR: Tongue! Smart boy! (points at him) Biology! What did she call you, “Ryan”?
RYAN: Yeah, Ryan Sinclair.
DOCTOR: Good name. Are you a doctor, Ryan?
DOCTOR: Shame. I’m looking for a doctor.
(She turns away and heads off through the train once more.)