Filming Report Details Some Early Plot for 60th & A New Sonic
Filming continued last night on Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary, and some early plot details have emerged.
This post may contain spoilers! Read on at your own risk…
According to onlooker, @davyboy, the scenes being filmed played out as follows:
The Doctor bumps into a woman carrying a tower of boxes that covers her face, he helps her with them by removing a few of them, as he removes them it’s revealed to be Donna.
The Doctor puts the boxes back in the tower and tries to walk away, something that I can’t hear in the footage makes him turn back around Donna shouts for Rose which confuses The Doctor and then Donna’s daughter Rose runs up to them.
The Doctor shakes hands with Rose as Donna sorts out the boxes in the background. The on set stage direction suggests a spaceship then flies overhead and crashes nearby which Donna doesn’t see, presumably to keep up the joke that Donna keeps missing these things.
The Doctor scans the ship with the new sonic. Shaun Temple, Donna’s husband, arrives in a taxi, calls for Rose but the Doctor runs to the taxi and uses it for himself. He says allons-y as he gets inside.
Tennant is using his regular 10th Doctor accent
As the set report mentions, the Doctor appears to be wielding a new Sonic screwdriver, which could lend further credence to Tennant actually playing the next Doctor (on top of him using 13’s TARDIS).
Some low-quality shots of the Tennant using his new Sonic can be seen below.
UPDATE: A better look:
interesting #DoctorWho
— The Post Monument™ (@thepostmonument) May 19, 2022