Doctor Who: Weird and Wonderful
Weird and Wonderful is our round-up of the some of the other Doctor Who bits and bobs around the web that caught our attention over the last week or so. This week – A monstrous swimsuit calendar, a peek at the new look TARDIS, Peter Davison returns with Tennant, Doctor Who weddings and Weeping Angel busts.
Swimsuit Calendar
BBC America released this ‘hot’ little number. Which month is your favourite?
You can download the full thing from here.
Five and Ten Reunited
Fifth Doctor Peter Davison’s opening video from this year’s Gallifrey One Convention, featuring cameos from David Tennant and Freema Agyeman.
TARDIS shock new look
Thanks to Issy VB for the pic.
Couple Lisa Strickland and Rob Wilson were married at their Doctor Who-themed wedding. Also present were Daleks. Via

Cool Collectable
Sculpted 8″ limited edition maxi-busts of Third Doctor, Jon Pertwee, and a Weeping Angel. You can get your hands on both of these in August.