Doctor Who: Weird and Wonderful
Weird and Wonderful is our look at some of the other Doctor Who bits and bobs around the web that caught our attention over the last week or so. This week: Series 7 Leaked Dalek reunion scene, The real Sonic Screwdriver, Fallout Who Vegas, Amy Pond visits Aperture Science and another Who Tune.
Series 7 Leaked Dalek Reunion Scene
AKA an animated sketch by Christopher Thomson.
Awesome Art
The Silence created in Spore. By Cryptdidical.
The real Sonic Screwdriver
Scientists claim to have invented their own version of Doctor Who’s famous sonic screwdriver. The Dundee University researchers have created a machine which uses ultrasound to lift and rotate a rubber disc floating in a cylinder of water. Full story.
Amy visits Aperture Science
This one is purely for fans of the Portal games.
Fallout Who Vegas: Episode 1
And whilst we’re on the subject of games, we told you about this promising upcoming mod for PC version of Fallout: New Vegas last year. Now the first episode is set for release. Trailer below and more info here.
Who Tune
Murray Gold himself plays “Southern Fried Who”.