Doctor Who: Weird and Wonderful
Weird and Wonderful is our look at some of the other Doctor Who bits and bobs around the web that caught our attention over the last week or so. This week: Sylvester McCoy is the 11th Doctor, Where’s Wall-e, Dalek Car and a clip of Tennant as in This is Jinsy.
Sylvester McCoy is the 11th Doctor
7th Doctor Sylvester McCoy performs the speech from The Pandorica Opens.
Where’s Wall-e and his Doctor Who friends?
Can you find all the Doctor Who characters including Cybus and Mondas Cybermen, a Dalek, Kamelion, Quark and K-9?
By Richard Sargent. Answers here.
Dalek Car
This crazy contraption was created for the Burning Man 2011 festival.
Tennant Jinsy
A clip of David Tennant as Mr Slightlyman in Sky’s new comedy, This Is Jinsy.