Doctor Who Series 8 2014: What We Know
A compilation article of everything we know about Series 8 so far. This will be continually updated as more info emerges over the coming months until broadcast.
Note: This post contains some mild spoilers.
LAST UPDATED: 7 January 2014.
- Late August/Early September 2014
Filming begins 6 January 2014.
- 13 episodes
Other notes: One episode may end up being the Christmas special. Moffat stated he wants Capaldi’s debut series to be a continuous run and not split.
Main Cast
- Peter Capaldi – The Doctor
- Jenna Coleman – Clara Oswald
Other notes: It is rumoured that a new male companion will join the TARDIS with Clara’s fellow Coal Hill School teacher Tom (Tristan Beint) a potential candidate.
Returning Cast
- Neve McIntosh – Madame Vastra
- Catrin Stewart – Jenny Flint
- Dan Starkey – Strax
Other notes: Alex Kingston possibly hinted at a return for River Song.
Guest Stars
- No guest cast have been announced at the time of writing.
Monsters & Villains
- No confirmed villains at the time of writing
Rumours: Mark Gatiss is reportedly writing another story with the Ice Warriors. Daleks are rumoured to appear. The Master is also heavily rumoured as the major series villain, although John Simm may only return for a regeneration.
- Steven Moffat
- Phil Ford
- Mark Gatiss
- Neil Cross
- Gareth Roberts
Other notes:
Neil Gaiman and Chris Chibnall have both stated that they have been approached to write a story, but it is dependent on their time and commitments to other projects. Tom MacRae has written another script although he is unsure if it will be in Series 8. Gareth Roberts’ involvement was revealed here. Jack Lothian’s CV originally claimed he was writing an episode, but a later update removed it.
- Ben Wheatley (2 episodes)
- Paul Murphy (2 episodes)
- Douglas Mackinnon (2 episodes)
Other notes: Peter Jackson has said that discussions over him directing an episode were “getting serious”.
2014 Episodes
Written by Steven Moffat. Directed by Ben Wheatley.
Moffat said the 12th Doctor’s debut will be an easier transition due to having familiar faces around: “This time I’ve made sure we’ve got a bunch of characters around him so that we can have a new Doctor introduced and we can push that Doctor a bit further if you’ve got a familiar world around him.” Moffat also said Capaldi is going to be an older, trickier and fiercer Doctor. “I think the fun story will be – and we have the opportunity here – is this is what regeneration can do to you. He can be very, very different.” Moffat later added: “Now it’s time for the old beast to snarl at you for a bit!”
Guest starring: Neve McIntosh (Madame Vastra), Catrin Stewart (Jenny Flint), Dan Starkey (Strax)
Written by Phil Ford. Directed by Ben Wheatley.
Possible Dalek story.
Written by TBC. Directed by Paul Murphy.
Written by TBC. Directed by Douglas Mackinnon.
Written by TBC. Directed by Douglas Mackinnon.
Written by TBC. Directed by Paul Murphy.
Written by TBC. Directed by TBC.
Written by TBC. Directed by TBC.
Written by TBC. Directed by TBC.
Written by TBC. Directed by TBC.
Written by TBC. Directed by TBC.
Written by TBC. Directed by TBC.
Written by Steven Moffat. Directed by TBC.
This may end up being the Christmas special.
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