Doctor Who: Closing Time Teasers
Here are Doctor Who TV’s first 15 preview teasers for Closing Time. We’ll have more later in the week as well as some bonus ones for the finale, The Wedding of River Song.
- Like The Lodger, It’s a fun episode with some very funny lines. But there are also couple of good scares
- The Cybermen aren’t in it for that long really, but it’s longer than they were in A Good Man Goes to War
- Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill are still in the opening credits. Just saying
- The Cybermen are peeping toms!
- The Doctor is in love with Craig and he really wants him to know it
- “I am through saving them.”
- The Doctor – Here to help
- Craig is a pervert
- Meet Stormageddon, the Doctor’s new best friend
- “…A beam me up… Star Trek teleport”
- “Come along bitey”
- For the girl who’s tired of waiting
- The Doctor can speak the ancient language of baby
- A familiar plot solution saves the day
- The last few scenes are very, very exciting and another big question is finally answered