Class: Ep 3 “Nightvisiting” Teasers (Set #1)
Clint Hassell brings you the first set of hints and teasers for the third episode of Doctor Who’s new spin-off.
- 1. Although I totally saw it coming, something happens at 1:15 that legitimately got me choked up. I haven’t shed tears over an episode since Series 8’s “Listen.”
- 2. “all of time and space”
- 3. Silver lining: at least he isn’t grounded anymore.
- 4. The violin isn’t the only instrument she plays.
- 5. Funniest line: “Did this really happen?” (Miss Quill says it, but I’ll absolutely not ruin the context!)
- 6. This episode has at least two plot similarities to Series 8’s “In the Forest of the Night.” Luckily, neither include that episode’s fairytale tone or inane resolution.
- 7. Miss Quill and the Doctor have something in common.
- 8. April utters a fairly sacrilegious swear . . . but not the one you think! (And then, later, it is the one you think.)
- 9. “I told her to never intrude unless the world is actually ending.”
- 10. That’s a very unusual way of greeting a newborn sibling!