Chibnall Promises “Epic” Two-Parters for Series 12
Speaking to the Radio Times, he said: “I love a two-parter. And our two-parters are epic this year.”
“We always knew last year would be those 10 standalone stories, and this year we wanted to weave things in a bit more.”
He added: “I think you can tell different types of stories within a Doctor Who two-parter. I love a Doctor Who cliffhanger.”
“Obviously even though we didn’t officially do two-parters last year, you could argue that [The Woman Who Fell to Earth] has a cliffhanger into the second. A two-parter that wasn’t a two-parter!”
The Mirror had already rumoured that Series 12 will begin with a two-parter on New Year’s Day, but the BBC is still yet to announce the schedule.