Before the Flood: Hints & Teasers (Set #1)
DWTV brings you our first set of hints and teasers for the fourth episode of Series 9, Before the Flood. Join us on Friday for the second set.
- Opening line: “So there’s this man. He has a time machine”
- ********* paradox
- 3 old friends and an old foe
- Who is the Minister of War?
- “This belongs to the glorious Arcateenians”
- Moran > Pritchard > Prentis > *********> ***** > ****** > ******* > ****
- Ripples on a pond
- “Die with whoever comes after me”
- Look again very closely at the ghost Doctor – have you missed something?
- “I don’t see anyone here to stop me”
- The Doctor gets to talk to a Time Lord
- Secret: show