BBC America Series 9 Teaser Breakdown
Guest contributor Alex Nelson dissects the wealth of secrets from the debut teaser.
Over the weekend BBC America finally released our very first glimpse of the highly-anticipated brand new series of Doctor Who! This is a time many fans have been waiting for since the conclusion of Last Christmas last year. There were some major clues given in the 10-second teaser so I decided to make an in-depth breakdown of everything you may have missed. Without further ado then let’s jump into things, allons-y!
We are shown a rather familiar shade of blue wood. The defined edges and corners could possibly hint towards the Doctor or Clara getting a splinter in their finger from it.
The familiar blue is back this time with a dark outline going down the middle. Could this be portraying a door?
Worried Whovians will be pleased to know the white sign on the front door will continue to make an appearance.
Is that a cloud being reflected in the window? No? Maybe it’s just me.
And there it is! What the 0:03 of footage before it had been leading up to, the big whooper! The actual doors of the TARDIS in all it’s glory.
Doctor Who: Returning this Fall.
How exciting, not long to go now and featuring the TARDIS!